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Monday, October 28, 2013

Sumner Goes Full Vulcan!

Science fiction has never been just mere entertainment. It’s always been a vehicle for pushing the boundaries of human thought and experience. And the engine for that sci-fi vehicle would be the question “What if?”

Therefore am asking the question, “What if I tried to purge all emotion from my day to day functioning for a month?”

Have watched J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek (2009) countless times. And every time Spock’s father utters the words, “Logic offers a serenity Humans seldom experience,” I get chills up and down my spine.
"Emotions run deep within our race. In many ways more deeply than in Humans. Logic offers a serenity Humans seldom experience. The control of feelings so that they do not control you.”  - Spock’s father
I know, I know, ultimately, any and all information about Vulcan culture can be traced back to two guys named Gene and Rick who worked in Burbank, California. But I think they’d be pleased with my decision. Or at least find it…fascinating.

Am not expecting an actual complete elimination of emotion. However, by attempting a purge, am certain positive effects will arise, both for myself and those in my day to day functioning. Will post a summary of my experiences at the beginning of August. If you feel like offering input, please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this article. I can also be reached on Tumblr at nx01sumner.tumblr.com or at Sumner@vierlights on the Twitter machine.

Vulcan Philosophy

First, a brief explanation of the Vulcan philosophy gleaned from various online sources. Pages could be written, so the best way to sum it up would be an explanation of the Vulcan hand gesture.  Afterwards, will share the actual plan of implementation, and will then provide a list of common Vulcan proverbs.

Yes. The gesture means something. See corresponding numbers below for an explanation.
The Vulcan philosophy can literally be counted on your fingers.

1) The pinky represents the concept of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. Emphasizes the joining of things, no matter how polar or disparate, to create purpose and beauty.

2) The ring finger represents that an infinite variety of things exist, making reality worthwhile. At first, this may seem identical to what’s written above, but there’s a subtle difference. This finger represents the view that existence is made valuable by the simple fact that there are infinite variables to the universe. Whereas the pinky represents the responsibility of each individual to see and create the connections amongst those variables.

3) The middle finger represents Logic. The longest was chosen for this aspect because it’s considered the most important. Within the infinity and diversity of factors that make up one’s existence, logic is what keeps a worthwhile life together. For the greater good of both society and the individual, logic must dominate, for it is a constant, whereas emotions are unpredictable.

4) The index finger represents Respect for Life, and it should be noted that it is kept very close to Logic.

5) The thumb, standing apart from all other fingers, represents Inviolable Right to Individual Privacy. Privacy is essentially synonymous with the state of Dignity. If one is to improve their life, and the lives of others, one must have the privacy and dignity to do so. It is considered utmost rudeness to force one’s thoughts and feelings on another in Vulcan culture. Attacking the dignity of another raises the possibility of unreasonable and uncontrollable emotion, and therefore there is no situation where it is considered justifiable. This leads to the primary foundation for compassion, which is the logical need to protect the dignity of others as one would protect one’s own. This also explains the seeming Vulcan lack of humor. If you analyze comedic situations that make most humans laugh, the majority of the time they involve someone else’s lack of dignity or experience of suffering.

So to summarize Vulcan philosophy: Within the universe, there is infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Beauty and meaning are created by seeing the connections between things, no matter how disparate. Logic is the ultimate framework to work within for it is a constant. Every individual has a right to privacy and dignity, so that they may put all effort in to bettering themselves. Just as each individual has a right to dignity, the dignity of others must be respected, even if they hold polar opposite views. Failing to act to relieve the suffering of others is putting forth that one holds one’s self more important than others. By focusing on developing internal peace, one then helps society become more
peaceful and advanced.

T’Pol from Star Trek: Enterprise.
Sumner’s Kolinar Guidelines

Posture – Maintain perfect posture at all times, whether standing or sitting. Reclining and slouching will not take place. Lying down will only occur when it is time to sleep.

Facial expressions – Minimal. Facial muscles relaxed at all times. No laughing or smiling. Extensive use of eyebrows is acceptable.

Vocalizations – Calm, even toned, with total absence of anger, irritation or sarcasm.

Eating – Vulcans never touch food with their fingers, so only utensils will be utilized. Eat only what is necessary for sustenance. Every time I catch myself not using a utensil will be a reminder of logic.

Reading/Study – Continued research on Vulcan philosophy and culture. Daily review of Vulcan proverbs, which are listed at the bottom of this article. Other topics will include: science, Stoic philosophy and Buddhism. Also, anything that may be practical for the purpose of helping others.

Music – When time is allotted, it will be mathematical or minimalist in nature, such as Bach or the Japanese shakuhachi flute. No rock and roll. Late EinstĂ¼rzende Neubauten is acceptable (Somehow, minimalist German industrial seems Vulcan. Earlier EN is for Klingons.) Learning classical scales on guitar is permissible.

Meditation – Every morning, every night, standard breath meditation. Mindfulness of logic ever present while off the cushion. Hourly alarms will be reminders of logic. The mantra of “There is no offense if none is taken” will be utilized.

Daily exercise – Tai chi, weights, walking.

Gaming - Mass Effect is acceptable since one is placed in situations that constantly challenge one’s ethical and moral guidelines. Also, the ultimate goal of the game is to save the universe, which is a logical and noble cause. All smart phone games will be left brained/math/logic oriented.

Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager.
Vulcan Sayings

Change is the essential process of all existence.
Cast out fear. There is no room for anything else until you cast out fear.

As far as possible, do not kill. Can you return life to what you kill? Then be slow to take life.

There is no offense where none is taken.

Nobility lies in action, not in name.

The spear in the other’s heart is the spear in your own.

Do no harm to those that harm you. Offer them peace, then you will have peace.

Reach out to others courteously. Accept their reaching in the same way, with careful hands.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

To see the results, check out: Fascinating! Sumner's Vulcan Kolinar Results

Stephen Sumner is the Action A Go Go sci-fi columnist. You can also find him on Tumblr at nx01sumner.tumblr.com and on the Twitter machine at sumner@vierlights.

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